A common sexual disorder in middle-aged men is erectile dysfunction. 40% of the strong half of humanity under the age of 40 suffer from sexual dysfunction. After 50 years, their number increases 1. 5 times. Folk remedies for increasing potency are a list of medicinal herbs and miraculous recipes that can instantly restore male strength. To increase the blood flow in the cavernosum, some take medication, while others prefer safe means for health.

Medicinal herbs for male impotence
With systematic use and compliance with the dosage, the plant relieves prostate inflammation and activates venous and capillary blood flow.
- Shepherd's purse - 35 g is brewed in the form of tea, they wait for half an hour and take 50 ml.
- 1, 5 s. K. L. Hawthorn flowers are poured with 1. 5 cups of water and left overnight. The solidified liquid is boiled for 5 minutes on fire, cooled under the lid. The first glass is drunk on an empty stomach, the other 2 glasses are drunk throughout the day after meals.
- Parsley - 4 l. Combine 6 l. Sahara. Dishes with filling are kept on fire for 15 minutes, warm for 8 hours. The norm is 1 liter. liquids before meals. All herbs are taken three times a day.
St. Jones Worth
The herb causes blood flow to the pelvis. For this purpose, 2 spoons of raw materials are boiled in boiling water and kept warm until it cools down. You can increase potency with folk remedies using alcohol tincture. Take dried wort and vodka in a ratio of 1: 5 and leave for a week. Dose - 40 drops after meal.
Herbal mixture
Folk remedies for male potency involve general strengthening of the body. Mint, St. John's wort, clover and young nettle are taken in equal amounts. Place 5 tablespoons of the mixture in a liter of boiling water and turn off the burner. After an hour, the infusion is ready. Take in fractions of 6 times.
onion skin
The decoction stimulates blood flow, gives men strength and saturates the body with vitamins. A glass of bark is placed in 650 ml of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and left until the water takes on the color of strongly boiled tea. Take half a cup warm for a month.
Honey with propolis for men

How to improve potency using folk remedies based on the healing power of api products? By knowing the chemical composition and their effects on the body, you can correct internal processes. Honey contains hundreds of beneficial nutrients to maintain strength and health. Among others - magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron, other macro and microelements.
The benefits of honey depend on the variety. Dark varieties are used to treat sexual impotence. Chestnuts are more suitable for treatment than others. Fragrant honey is effective together with propolis. The sticky substance produced from the resinous parts of flowers contains up to 300 useful components, so it fights erectile dysfunction no worse than drugs.
Propolis-honey mixture recipe
Melt 15 g of wax peas collected from the hive frames in a water bath. Add 200 g of honey to the cooled mass and mix until smooth. If you are not allergic to api products, rinse the product spoon with warm water 20 minutes before eating.
Honey along with propolis and walnuts are considered aphrodisiacs. The ground grains are mixed in a liquid mixture and eaten on a large spoon on an empty stomach 3 times a month.
The following methods of increasing potency:
- eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland;
- libido stimulation;
- Improve sperm quality.
Folk remedies to increase potency: propolis tincture
20 g of the active substance is mixed with 80 ml of medical alcohol, left for a week, remembering to periodically shake. The finished infusion is filtered, take 40 drops with warm water before meals.
Super product for men - miraculous pumpkin

To increase potency using folk remedies, use orange vegetable pulp, juice and seeds. Due to potassium, it removes excess fluid, saturates the body with iron, carotenoids, vitamins T, A, E B, C, D, K. The zinc contained in the seeds prevents the proliferation of prostate connective tissue and increases sperm motility.
Potency enhancer - pumpkin seeds. 40 raw kernels are eaten with breaks between meals. The daily norm is 120 pieces.
To improve the health of the reproductive system and prevent prostatitis, half a kilogram of pumpkin seeds are put in a blender and mixed with a glass of propolis-honey.
natural remedy

The following recipe is suitable for the treatment of sexual impotence:
- 2 cups of unbleached seeds are dried in the oven;
- crushed with the skin;
- The mass is placed in a liter of boiling water.
Bring the mixture until the first bubbles appear. After cooling, add 2 tbsp. K. L. Chestnut honey, shake. 60 ml of the medicinal cocktail is drunk 3 times for 3 months. After six months, the course is repeated.
Benefits of aspen bark
To increase potency, folk remedies use bitter bark. Contains: flavonoids, resins, tannins, mineral salts, carotene, organic acids, phenolglycosides. Components restore health and stimulate libido.
To prepare the tincture, take half a bottle of vodka or alcohol. Raw materials - 200 g are poured with alcohol and left for 15 days. 20 drops are diluted in 50 ml of water and taken three times a day on an empty stomach. The drug reduces the area of prostate damage and strengthens the urinary system.
Traditional methods of increasing potency offer a decoction recipe that eliminates the problem of painful urination and normalizes sexual function. Boil 100 g of crushed bark in a liter of water and put it on the stove for 20 minutes. The extract with oncoprotective properties is also effective for male pathologies.